News about UniDex
07 Dec 2022, 21:48
Given dune just retweeted our dashboard competition and we'll have some new members asking questions, lets clear up how builders can participate!
Users will have until the 19th to create the best dashboard they can. Rules are simple, after the deadline all dashboards will be listed in a text channel. Community members will have 1 week following to vote for whatever they believe is the best dashboard. That winner will earn the top prize for the competition.
Because we'll likely have some more participant, we will increase the payout slightly.
1st place gets 1,000 USDC
2nd place gets 500 USDC
3rd place gets 250 USDC
4th place gets 125 USDC
5th place gets 125 USDC
You have until the 19th to create a dashboard so good luck builders!
Given dune just retweeted our dashboard competition and we'll have some new members asking questions, lets clear up how buildersGiven dune just retweeted our dashboard competition and we'll have some new members asking questions, lets clear up how builders can participate!
Users will have until the 19th to create the best dashboard they can. Rules are simple, after the deadline all dashboards will be listed in a text channel. Community members will have 1 week following to vote for whatever they believe is the best dashboard. That winner will earn the top prize for the competition.
Because we'll likely have some more participant, we will increase the payout slightly.
1st place gets 1,000 USDC
2nd place gets 500 USDC
3rd place gets 250 USDC
4th place gets 125 USDC
5th place gets 125 USDC
You have until the 19th to create a dashboard so good luck builders!
30 Nov 2022, 01:39
Another update!
We have a demo day presentation over at the OP discord tomorrow (11/30) at 2PM UTC!
head over to the OP discord if you want to attend or just show your support.
Our 2 winners for the trading comp fought bravely and 0x17e07 pulled ahead right at the end. This user will earn $5000 for securing the 1st place spot over this 2 week period!
0x3e88 takes home the $2,500 trophy for obtaining the "worst trader" title coming in at last place.
We'll be doing another one of these competitions likely next week with more fun twists.
Another update. We have a demo day presentation over at the OP discord tomorrow (11/30) at 2PM UTC.Another update!
We have a demo day presentation over at the OP discord tomorrow (11/30) at 2PM UTC!
head over to the OP discord if you want to attend or just show your support. https://discord.gg/optimism
Our 2 winners for the trading comp fought bravely and 0x17e07 pulled ahead right at the end. This user will earn $5000 for securing the 1st place spot over this 2 week period!
0x3e88 takes home the $2,500 trophy for obtaining the "worst trader" title coming in at last place.
We'll be doing another one of these competitions likely next week with more fun twists.
23 Nov 2022, 08:14
15 Nov 2022, 04:09
Alright traders & devs! This 2 week competition is going to be for both the traders in our community & the developers.
Lets cover the traders side first ⬇️
Rules are the same as last time. Trader with the highest PnL after 2 weeks wins the prize. This time we're going to be rewarding only the trader on optimism with $5,000 of DAI. The small twist would be the trader with the LOWEST PnL of all traders will win $2,500 as well! Thats $7,500 in total and thats also starting right now.
TLDR: You have until Nov 28th to be the top trader on optimism. Top trader gets $5,000 and the worst trader gets $2,500.
Alright traders & devs. This 2 week competition is going to be for both the traders in our community & the developers.Alright traders & devs! This 2 week competition is going to be for both the traders in our community & the developers.
Lets cover the traders side first ⬇️
Rules are the same as last time. Trader with the highest PnL after 2 weeks wins the prize. This time we're going to be rewarding only the trader on optimism with $5,000 of DAI. The small twist would be the trader with the LOWEST PnL of all traders will win $2,500 as well! Thats $7,500 in total and thats also starting right now.
TLDR: You have until Nov 28th to be the top trader on optimism. Top trader gets $5,000 and the worst trader gets $2,500.
13 Nov 2022, 08:37
Our optimism deployment is heating up :fire:
3 very important things recently happened on our L2 deployment being...
- DAI pool becomes single largest TVL pool
- $2.5m Volume ATH on OP
- TVL ATH 500k
We're going to start another trading comp on optimism starting this monday with an interesting twist!
Fees were also distributed totaling around $6.9k for this week. This epoch 4, we'll allow non-stable assets to be chosen so check out our snapshot once thats up soon.
Lets also give this thread some love!
Our optimism deployment is heating up :fire:. 3 very important things recently happened on our L2 deployment being.Our optimism deployment is heating up :fire:
3 very important things recently happened on our L2 deployment being...
- DAI pool becomes single largest TVL pool
- $2.5m Volume ATH on OP
- TVL ATH 500k
We're going to start another trading comp on optimism starting this monday with an interesting twist!
Fees were also distributed totaling around $6.9k for this week. This epoch 4, we'll allow non-stable assets to be chosen so check out our snapshot once thats up soon.
Lets also give this thread some love! https://twitter.com/UniDexFinance/status/1591708800603627522
09 Nov 2022, 21:08
We're noticed a slightly off pricefeed but not enough for the chainlink protection to kick in. For starters we've removed FTX as one of the pricing sources & we've moved the chainlink price protection to 1%
We're noticed a slightly off pricefeed but not enough for the chainlink protection to kick in.We're noticed a slightly off pricefeed but not enough for the chainlink protection to kick in. For starters we've removed FTX as one of the pricing sources & we've moved the chainlink price protection to 1%
09 Nov 2022, 19:52
- Basic limit order support featuring stoplimits & oco orders
- Liquidation threshold moved from 80% to 90%
- Liquidation fee paid to supply side moved from 20% to 30%
- Interest accrued brings liquidation price closer
- referral address support
- liquidations come from a seperate keeper allowing the settlement queue to only settle opening and closing orders
- monitoring for liquidatable orders happens in realtime rather than checking in intervals
- removing the cancelation button unless the user has a pending order longer than 5 mins (fantom only or other slow networks)
- Poolers can recieve rewards in multiple tokens allowing for partner integrations or external incentives
- keeper scans the past "X" blocks for pending orders not yet settled and assigns a price for them.
- Balancer-esque like leverage pools allowing for poolers to pool against certain assets and concentrate their exposure and derisk against certain trading pairs
- In house decentralized oracle network that also prevents frontrunning but has no call backs
- Making a simple mode very similar to matcha.xyz should be live later this month
- mobile focused UI entirely for simple mode
- existing spot aggregator rebranded to PRO mode with a focus on derivates aggregation and crosschain swap meta-aggregation.
- limit order v3 featuring CoW orders
- overhaul of the existing meta-aggregation allowing for OTC orders
- 0 slippage swaps from matching orders
Cosmos App Chain
- Cosmos app chain testnet launched
- UniDex rebranded
- EIp1559 like tx economy
- Poolers become validators on the network
- More details TBA
Leverage. - Basic limit order support featuring stoplimits & oco orders. - Liquidation threshold moved from 80% to 90%.Leverage
- Basic limit order support featuring stoplimits & oco orders
- Liquidation threshold moved from 80% to 90%
- Liquidation fee paid to supply side moved from 20% to 30%
- Interest accrued brings liquidation price closer
- referral address support
- liquidations come from a seperate keeper allowing the settlement queue to only settle opening and closing orders
- monitoring for liquidatable orders happens in realtime rather than checking in intervals
- removing the cancelation button unless the user has a pending order longer than 5 mins (fantom only or other slow networks)
- Poolers can recieve rewards in multiple tokens allowing for partner integrations or external incentives
- keeper scans the past "X" blocks for pending orders not yet settled and assigns a price for them.
- Balancer-esque like leverage pools allowing for poolers to pool against certain assets and concentrate their exposure and derisk against certain trading pairs
- In house decentralized oracle network that also prevents frontrunning but has no call backs
- Making a simple mode very similar to matcha.xyz should be live later this month
- mobile focused UI entirely for simple mode
- existing spot aggregator rebranded to PRO mode with a focus on derivates aggregation and crosschain swap meta-aggregation.
- limit order v3 featuring CoW orders
- overhaul of the existing meta-aggregation allowing for OTC orders
- 0 slippage swaps from matching orders
Cosmos App Chain
- Cosmos app chain testnet launched
- UniDex rebranded
- EIp1559 like tx economy
- Poolers become validators on the network
- More details TBA
06 Nov 2022, 00:01
This month UniDex has processed over $75,000,000 in volume in the month of October on Fantom & Optimism
More than $88,000 in protocol fees has been collected & we've also finished the 1st round of the perpetual trading competition 🏆
Let's shoot for 100x and thank you UniDex traders! 🔥
rewards for the trading comp are going out today & more info on the next trading comp so keep your eyes peeled for that
Lets give this tweet some activity too 👇
This month UniDex has processed over $75,000,000 in volume in the month of October on Fantom & Optimism.This month UniDex has processed over $75,000,000 in volume in the month of October on Fantom & Optimism
More than $88,000 in protocol fees has been collected & we've also finished the 1st round of the perpetual trading competition 🏆
Let's shoot for 100x and thank you UniDex traders! 🔥
rewards for the trading comp are going out today & more info on the next trading comp so keep your eyes peeled for that
Lets give this tweet some activity too 👇
05 Nov 2022, 21:14
This weeks chain distribution selection has ended and rewards have been sent out.
Theres been some discussion about moving the rewards to a much more simple weekly distribution right after that weeks chain selection vote ends. We're going to test pilot this change with the benefits being a more predictable & timely distribution. With this change we will distribute rewards regardless of the amount collected but should also create some more marketable content around our yield.
We're also opening up multiple stables to choose from for this week. Users will have the option of choosing between FRAX, sUSD, DAI, and USDC now.
the following week we will open up wBTC, wETH, UNIDX, FTM, and Matic.
This weeks distribution was around $5142 and the vote will be up shortly so be on the lookout for our snapshot page!
This weeks chain distribution selection has ended and rewards have been sent out.This weeks chain distribution selection has ended and rewards have been sent out.
Theres been some discussion about moving the rewards to a much more simple weekly distribution right after that weeks chain selection vote ends. We're going to test pilot this change with the benefits being a more predictable & timely distribution. With this change we will distribute rewards regardless of the amount collected but should also create some more marketable content around our yield.
We're also opening up multiple stables to choose from for this week. Users will have the option of choosing between FRAX, sUSD, DAI, and USDC now.
the following week we will open up wBTC, wETH, UNIDX, FTM, and Matic.
This weeks distribution was around $5142 and the vote will be up shortly so be on the lookout for our snapshot page!
30 Oct 2022, 23:02
Let’s touch on 3 things
First there is a scam twitter account trying to take advantage our revenue airdrop. Remember to look for official twitter links here (pinned faq) or our landing page. There is no claim transaction you have to do to get revenue shares. Which brings us to the next point…
The first Crosschain drop has been distributed with a total value of $7425! There’s another one reaching our 2k threshold soon for yet another distribution so be on the look out for that. Just check your wallet on your selected chains etherscan page & look for USDC balance. If you didn’t / weren’t able to select a chain then you had yours sent to the default chain being optimism. This is how it’s going to work every time for new comers! Visit our snapshot.org page and you’ll see this weeks selectable network. If you voted before then you don’t need to vote again unless you want the chain to change.
Lastly, we turned 2 today! It’s officially been 2 years since we’ve made our project public. We started with large promises and goals to meet and the community has come such a long way. It still does feel like yesterday since from my view since we rarely have down time to sit and relax, but that’s how we ship things out and get shit done. We still have so many things we’re wanting to push and give to the ecosystem/community before we can say “we did it”. I’ll keep the sentimental speech short though.
We thank everyone for being with us on this journey for the past 2 years. Let’s now shoot for 5 years!
Let's touch on 3 things. First there is a scam twitter account trying to take advantage our revenue airdrop.Let’s touch on 3 things
First there is a scam twitter account trying to take advantage our revenue airdrop. Remember to look for official twitter links here (pinned faq) or our landing page. There is no claim transaction you have to do to get revenue shares. Which brings us to the next point…
The first Crosschain drop has been distributed with a total value of $7425! There’s another one reaching our 2k threshold soon for yet another distribution so be on the look out for that. Just check your wallet on your selected chains etherscan page & look for USDC balance. If you didn’t / weren’t able to select a chain then you had yours sent to the default chain being optimism. This is how it’s going to work every time for new comers! Visit our snapshot.org page and you’ll see this weeks selectable network. If you voted before then you don’t need to vote again unless you want the chain to change.
Lastly, we turned 2 today! It’s officially been 2 years since we’ve made our project public. We started with large promises and goals to meet and the community has come such a long way. It still does feel like yesterday since from my view since we rarely have down time to sit and relax, but that’s how we ship things out and get shit done. We still have so many things we’re wanting to push and give to the ecosystem/community before we can say “we did it”. I’ll keep the sentimental speech short though.
We thank everyone for being with us on this journey for the past 2 years. Let’s now shoot for 5 years!
25 Oct 2022, 06:52
GM UniDex Traders!
We've officially deployed on optimism and accepting poolers!
Head over to to start pooling DAI and trade the same lovely assets you'd find on our Fantom deployment.
We'll also be adding...
in the next few days for forex traders.
Trading competitions are soft launched with our recent updates to which lets you monitor how traders are preforming for the past 14 days. We'll reward the top trader on FTM with 2.5k USDC and the top trader on Optimism with 2.5k DAI.
The next competition we'll raise the stakes a bit and take what we've learned this week and apply in for the next competition.
Read over the post on our mirror.xyz to get a more in depth summery
And make sure to spread the love on twitter!
Like and share it around and lets get more people involved in the community
GM UniDex Traders. We've officially deployed on optimism and accepting poolers.GM UniDex Traders!
We've officially deployed on optimism and accepting poolers!
Head over to https://leverage.unidex.exchange to start pooling DAI and trade the same lovely assets you'd find on our Fantom deployment.
We'll also be adding...
in the next few days for forex traders.
Trading competitions are soft launched with our recent updates to https://comp.unidex.exchange/ which lets you monitor how traders are preforming for the past 14 days. We'll reward the top trader on FTM with 2.5k USDC and the top trader on Optimism with 2.5k DAI.
The next competition we'll raise the stakes a bit and take what we've learned this week and apply in for the next competition.
Read over the post on our mirror.xyz to get a more in depth summery https://mirror.xyz/unidexexchange.eth/GJdaP-PllXoWu126B5pOL4MSVr6NeKKSb__piqmMXcQ
And make sure to spread the love on twitter! https://twitter.com/UniDexFinance/status/1584794153921048576
Like and share it around and lets get more people involved in the community
23 Oct 2022, 13:33
We're going to be starting some initial testing of the new limit order system for leverage trading. We got alot done over the past few days and will share a bit more soon. You'll be able to access it on the goerli testnet once thats up.
The platform has also been deployed on OP and you'll see that reflected on the dev preview UI today, then the stable release url tomorrow.
As mentioned before we would be incentivizing some UNIv3 liquidity on OP from the leverage platform. Users will be able to deposit some LP tokens as another pool option thats only a reward pool. Of course UNIv3 doesnt have erc20 LP positions but rather NFTs. So, we'll be using a protocol which makes a position into an ERC20 token that auto compounds LP fees. This liquidity would also be ranged more biased to the lower bound allowing it to become closer to a single stake ETH position but still exposed to UNIDX. This pool is not exposed to any trader PnL risk and collects 5% of the fees made from the platform on OP.
Just a small update and hope the weekend is treating everyone well!
We're going to be starting some initial testing of the new limit order system for leverage trading.We're going to be starting some initial testing of the new limit order system for leverage trading. We got alot done over the past few days and will share a bit more soon. You'll be able to access it on the goerli testnet once thats up.
The platform has also been deployed on OP and you'll see that reflected on the dev preview UI today, then the stable release url tomorrow.
As mentioned before we would be incentivizing some UNIv3 liquidity on OP from the leverage platform. Users will be able to deposit some LP tokens as another pool option thats only a reward pool. Of course UNIv3 doesnt have erc20 LP positions but rather NFTs. So, we'll be using a protocol which makes a position into an ERC20 token that auto compounds LP fees. This liquidity would also be ranged more biased to the lower bound allowing it to become closer to a single stake ETH position but still exposed to UNIDX. This pool is not exposed to any trader PnL risk and collects 5% of the fees made from the platform on OP.
Just a small update and hope the weekend is treating everyone well!
22 Oct 2022, 09:57
As we mentioned previously the UNIDX-ETH token LP migration will be taking place now!
This does not concern the platform but rather just the liquidity for the UNIDX-ETH pair.
20% will be moved to Optimism and the rest to ETH mainnet on UniV3
No action is required for holders!
Do note we account for 100% of the liquidity on spiritswap so we would advise against buying or selling on fantom and continue your activity on optimism for the same low fee swaps once the migration is finished
As we mentioned previously the UNIDX-ETH token LP migration will be taking place now.As we mentioned previously the UNIDX-ETH token LP migration will be taking place now!
This does not concern the platform but rather just the liquidity for the UNIDX-ETH pair.
20% will be moved to Optimism and the rest to ETH mainnet on UniV3
No action is required for holders!
Do note we account for 100% of the liquidity on spiritswap so we would advise against buying or selling on fantom and continue your activity on optimism for the same low fee swaps once the migration is finished
21 Oct 2022, 14:02
The token should be bridgeable to Optimism now and you can go directly from FTM -> OP
We will be doing our liquidity migration tomorrow however users can freely provide liquidity now if they so please. The initial OP V3 pool is already created so if you wanted to do some active liquidity management pools from those that provide it then you could already start with that.
etherscan link 👇
Address on OP: 0x5d47baba0d66083c52009271faf3f50dcc01023c
Just remember price impact could be decently higher than normal today as the liquidity migration is for this saturday (tomorrow as of writing this)
The token should be bridgeable to Optimism now and you can go directly from FTM -> OP.The token should be bridgeable to Optimism now and you can go directly from FTM -> OP
We will be doing our liquidity migration tomorrow however users can freely provide liquidity now if they so please. The initial OP V3 pool is already created so if you wanted to do some active liquidity management pools from those that provide it then you could already start with that.
etherscan link 👇
Address on OP: 0x5d47baba0d66083c52009271faf3f50dcc01023c
Just remember price impact could be decently higher than normal today as the liquidity migration is for this saturday (tomorrow as of writing this)
20 Oct 2022, 18:03
GM UniDex Community!
We'll be moving our governance and attention back to the ETH ecosystem starting with the mainnet & Optimism this Saturday.
What this means is that we'd be moving the bulk of our spirtswap UNIDX-ETH liquidity to the mainnet and 20% of that liquidity to Optimism.
Thanks to UniV3's advancements we can mirror the same liquidity which exists on the mainnet to make it economically feasible for smaller trades to happen on optimism without larger price impact.
We'll also be deploying the leverage trading protocol on Optimism with a liquidity mining program helping to grow some of that liquidity.
Fee rewards will now take place by default on Optimism however, the user will be able to choose between 4 networks (FTM, Arbitrum, OP, or Polygon) to receive their rewards. All the user needs to do is vote using snapshot on the weekly snapshot to set their target chain.
We do encourage users to read the full article which you can find here :point_down:
Remember, nothing needs to be done for the existing holders on all chains and this does not affect the leverage trading protocol on any chain either. If you are an FTM holder you can continue to be so forever, and you'll be able to get rewards on FTM just like always. However, our governance and liqudity will be moving to the ETH ecosystem with majority on the mainnet & a portion on Optimism.
GM UniDex Community.GM UniDex Community!
We'll be moving our governance and attention back to the ETH ecosystem starting with the mainnet & Optimism this Saturday.
What this means is that we'd be moving the bulk of our spirtswap UNIDX-ETH liquidity to the mainnet and 20% of that liquidity to Optimism.
Thanks to UniV3's advancements we can mirror the same liquidity which exists on the mainnet to make it economically feasible for smaller trades to happen on optimism without larger price impact.
We'll also be deploying the leverage trading protocol on Optimism with a liquidity mining program helping to grow some of that liquidity.
Fee rewards will now take place by default on Optimism however, the user will be able to choose between 4 networks (FTM, Arbitrum, OP, or Polygon) to receive their rewards. All the user needs to do is vote using snapshot on the weekly snapshot to set their target chain.
We do encourage users to read the full article which you can find here :point_down:
Remember, nothing needs to be done for the existing holders on all chains and this does not affect the leverage trading protocol on any chain either. If you are an FTM holder you can continue to be so forever, and you'll be able to get rewards on FTM just like always. However, our governance and liqudity will be moving to the ETH ecosystem with majority on the mainnet & a portion on Optimism.
13 Oct 2022, 10:53
GM UniDex traders 🔥
We mentioned a bit earlier that we'd have a short medium article for the short term actions for this and next month. We come to deliver just that!
This medium article covers a small bit of information related to...
- Trading comps
- BSC & testnet zkEVM deployment
- Upcoming functionality like trailing stop losses and referrals
- More dates related to launches
Give it a read 👉
While we're on the topic we're going to have 2 twitter spaces today at 14 UTC & 17 UTC 📅 (approx 3 hours from now & 6 hours for the metis one)
The first will be hosted on our side with @ArableProtocol on twitter & the second will be with the metis CEG group.
You can find that below here👇
Make sure you give that medium article a read! you might find something fun in there who knows.
GM UniDex traders.GM UniDex traders 🔥
We mentioned a bit earlier that we'd have a short medium article for the short term actions for this and next month. We come to deliver just that!
This medium article covers a small bit of information related to...
- Trading comps
- BSC & testnet zkEVM deployment
- Upcoming functionality like trailing stop losses and referrals
- More dates related to launches
Give it a read 👉 https://unidexfinance.medium.com/trading-comps-new-functionality-and-more-1dcc70a8abce
While we're on the topic we're going to have 2 twitter spaces today at 14 UTC & 17 UTC 📅 (approx 3 hours from now & 6 hours for the metis one)
The first will be hosted on our side with @ArableProtocol on twitter & the second will be with the metis CEG group.
You can find that below here👇
Make sure you give that medium article a read! you might find something fun in there who knows.
03 Oct 2022, 21:55
We mark the end of UniDex 2.9 update and transition into UniDex v3 💫
The name of the game is decentralizing EVERYTHING from hosting, oracles, token payouts, server space, and so forth.
V2.9 Brings a few things going live today and the end of this month.
In short 2.9 offers
- Added BSC support
- zkSync compatible
- 500x leverage on forex
- 100x leverage on BTC & ETH
- 9 new trading pairs
To find more about V3 we suggest you look at the tweet to get a short preview 😉
We highly encourage you to read the twitter thread here outlining the recent update as part of 2.9 and a small tiny preview of V3
We mark the end of UniDex 2. 9 update and transition into UniDex v3.We mark the end of UniDex 2.9 update and transition into UniDex v3 💫
The name of the game is decentralizing EVERYTHING from hosting, oracles, token payouts, server space, and so forth.
V2.9 Brings a few things going live today and the end of this month.
In short 2.9 offers
- Added BSC support
- zkSync compatible
- 500x leverage on forex
- 100x leverage on BTC & ETH
- 9 new trading pairs
To find more about V3 we suggest you look at the tweet to get a short preview 😉
We highly encourage you to read the twitter thread here outlining the recent update as part of 2.9 and a small tiny preview of V3
25 Sep 2022, 18:21
short little weekend update lots of things to pack in lets address a few promises we made!
New pairs - we decided that we wanted some more depth history and price feed history before we make those few new trading pairs live after the recent oracle manipulation attack GMX had. As you may know from our medium post 3-4 months ago, UniDex moved away from the 0 slippage model after analyzing the risks associated with 0 slippage trades. We tightened some variables and also loosened some for large and small caps so you may notice less price impact on blue chips and more on small caps. We wanted to see how orderbook activity was reacting during certain market activity before listing certain pairs like ATOM and so forth to make sure we dont list something that has unnatural market making. We will be moving forward with increasing the leverage on large caps to put us in line with some other players in the field as promised.
Limit orders - We're currently doing some small tweaks before sending things off to a small audit. Our new limit order system actually has a slight edge over some of the other guys in the space being slightly more centralized. What we'll be offering for users will be a complete package for those that really want to make use of such strategies including, general take profit and stoploss orders, limit buy and sell orders, OCO orders, and trailing stoploss orders. We dont believe others are offering OCO or trailing orders but we'll be offering this for users! This would make use of a new trading contract so you'll have to re-approve ERC20s once the time comes around but a small update on that.
Whitehat report / DAI pool option - We will be listing a DAI pool for LPs which will have 80/20 split between LPs and UNIDX holders. LPs will receive 80% of trading fees and holders will receive the remaining 20% as the dev share will not be taken from this pool. We have been alerted with about a whitehat bug bounty report affecting just the USDC pool on fantom however, we have confirmed with the whitehat and other experts including auditors that this attack is not economically feasible and would cost roughly 27.5x the amount to execute than the amount profited. This is a new attack vector unrelated to any past PnL blackswan event activity but could become economically feasible in the the far future. As such we want to give the option for users to pool with DAI on fantom as a measure of hitting 2 birds with 1 stone. In the future we want to have a GLP like pool compromised of stables & crosschain. Given we will need to attract multiple collateral options anyway, we will open a DAI pool for users that want to migrate to the new pool if they were concerned with USDC's parent company circle and its centralization risks. If the DAI pool exceeds the TVL of the USDC pool then we will pause new trades of the USDC pool and give the option for users to migrate to the DAI pool with no withdraw tax and no swap fees on the UniDex aggregator. Again this is mostly for users concerned with the centralization risks that come with circle and not the whitehat report as it is not economically feasible for the foreseeable future anyway. A migration is not necessary but recommended for higher fee rewards + future proofing.
09/28 NYC SmartCon by Chainlink - The UniDex team will be attending SmartCon by chainlink! If you want to meet up with the team in NYC, shoot us a DM and let us know!
short little weekend update lots of things to pack in lets address a few promises we made.short little weekend update lots of things to pack in lets address a few promises we made!
New pairs - we decided that we wanted some more depth history and price feed history before we make those few new trading pairs live after the recent oracle manipulation attack GMX had. As you may know from our medium post 3-4 months ago, UniDex moved away from the 0 slippage model after analyzing the risks associated with 0 slippage trades. We tightened some variables and also loosened some for large and small caps so you may notice less price impact on blue chips and more on small caps. We wanted to see how orderbook activity was reacting during certain market activity before listing certain pairs like ATOM and so forth to make sure we dont list something that has unnatural market making. We will be moving forward with increasing the leverage on large caps to put us in line with some other players in the field as promised.
Limit orders - We're currently doing some small tweaks before sending things off to a small audit. Our new limit order system actually has a slight edge over some of the other guys in the space being slightly more centralized. What we'll be offering for users will be a complete package for those that really want to make use of such strategies including, general take profit and stoploss orders, limit buy and sell orders, OCO orders, and trailing stoploss orders. We dont believe others are offering OCO or trailing orders but we'll be offering this for users! This would make use of a new trading contract so you'll have to re-approve ERC20s once the time comes around but a small update on that.
Whitehat report / DAI pool option - We will be listing a DAI pool for LPs which will have 80/20 split between LPs and UNIDX holders. LPs will receive 80% of trading fees and holders will receive the remaining 20% as the dev share will not be taken from this pool. We have been alerted with about a whitehat bug bounty report affecting just the USDC pool on fantom however, we have confirmed with the whitehat and other experts including auditors that this attack is not economically feasible and would cost roughly 27.5x the amount to execute than the amount profited. This is a new attack vector unrelated to any past PnL blackswan event activity but could become economically feasible in the the far future. As such we want to give the option for users to pool with DAI on fantom as a measure of hitting 2 birds with 1 stone. In the future we want to have a GLP like pool compromised of stables & crosschain. Given we will need to attract multiple collateral options anyway, we will open a DAI pool for users that want to migrate to the new pool if they were concerned with USDC's parent company circle and its centralization risks. If the DAI pool exceeds the TVL of the USDC pool then we will pause new trades of the USDC pool and give the option for users to migrate to the DAI pool with no withdraw tax and no swap fees on the UniDex aggregator. Again this is mostly for users concerned with the centralization risks that come with circle and not the whitehat report as it is not economically feasible for the foreseeable future anyway. A migration is not necessary but recommended for higher fee rewards + future proofing.
09/28 NYC SmartCon by Chainlink - The UniDex team will be attending SmartCon by chainlink! If you want to meet up with the team in NYC, shoot us a DM and let us know!
21 Sep 2022, 08:49
A few things on the menu for this week!
First we’ll be increasing the leverage of a few blue chips to 100x starting with BTC and ETH
Next, forex currency pairs will also be increased to 500x and have their trading fee toned down slightly to match things across other platforms.
We’ll also be adding a few more trading pairs with reduced open interest being XMR, DOGE, LINK, and NEAR then will look at a few other suggestions by the community
On that topic, use the #trading-pair-request channel in discord (discord.gg/unidex) to easily suggest new trading pairs for the platform. We made a short guide on how to style the request but you can also upvote already requested pairs to help us make a decision faster! ( for tg users use unidex.kampsite.co )
A few bugs have been fixed and we’re also adding native frame.sh wallet support. But that’s all for now!
A few things on the menu for this week.A few things on the menu for this week!
First we’ll be increasing the leverage of a few blue chips to 100x starting with BTC and ETH
Next, forex currency pairs will also be increased to 500x and have their trading fee toned down slightly to match things across other platforms.
We’ll also be adding a few more trading pairs with reduced open interest being XMR, DOGE, LINK, and NEAR then will look at a few other suggestions by the community
On that topic, use the #trading-pair-request channel in discord (discord.gg/unidex) to easily suggest new trading pairs for the platform. We made a short guide on how to style the request but you can also upvote already requested pairs to help us make a decision faster! ( for tg users use unidex.kampsite.co )
A few bugs have been fixed and we’re also adding native frame.sh wallet support. But that’s all for now!
18 Sep 2022, 04:55
17 Sep 2022, 23:37
As a reminder today we will be dropping a new update. We pushed it back 1 day given the utilization was maxed out the past 2-3 days but now that things have unwinded, we will be pushing our new order size update now.
If you want a summery on how the new order system works I suggest you read the article below 👇
Short 2-3 paragraph medium article covering the mechanics behind the new system.
A few other things are also dropping like a new refined trading screen, some extra information at the top for the pair & protocol utilization, new font and better contrasting colors, and some smaller behind the scene things. We'll be monitoring how people play the new system and most importantly, will be monitoring new pairs to add to the platform.
BTC and ETH have been increased to 100x and forex will also be increased to 500x following this update but we also want YOUR help to tell us what pairs to add to the platform. The best thing about this update is that it will allow us to list more trading pairs without worrying about pool risk as we can easily dial down the initial open interest cap to 0.1%-5% for some pairs. Do let us know if you want to see something added to the terminal and enjoy trading!
NEW UPDATE DROPPING. As a reminder today we will be dropping a new update.🚨 NEW UPDATE DROPPING 🚨
As a reminder today we will be dropping a new update. We pushed it back 1 day given the utilization was maxed out the past 2-3 days but now that things have unwinded, we will be pushing our new order size update now.
If you want a summery on how the new order system works I suggest you read the article below 👇
Short 2-3 paragraph medium article covering the mechanics behind the new system.
A few other things are also dropping like a new refined trading screen, some extra information at the top for the pair & protocol utilization, new font and better contrasting colors, and some smaller behind the scene things. We'll be monitoring how people play the new system and most importantly, will be monitoring new pairs to add to the platform.
BTC and ETH have been increased to 100x and forex will also be increased to 500x following this update but we also want YOUR help to tell us what pairs to add to the platform. The best thing about this update is that it will allow us to list more trading pairs without worrying about pool risk as we can easily dial down the initial open interest cap to 0.1%-5% for some pairs. Do let us know if you want to see something added to the terminal and enjoy trading!
15 Sep 2022, 02:38
Short UniDex Survey y'all can fill out
Short UniDex Survey y'all can fill out.https://forms.gle/oTAs628uUrHGGnqQ8
Short UniDex Survey y'all can fill out
14 Sep 2022, 07:09
Hey everyone make sure y’all tune into the boba x unidex ama tomorrow at 6pm UTC
Hey everyone make sure y'all tune into the boba x unidex ama tomorrow at 6pm UTC.Hey everyone make sure y’all tune into the boba x unidex ama tomorrow at 6pm UTC
13 Sep 2022, 12:14
Hey everyone! small update from our post last week.
1. The first batch of content that as spread last week will go up for voting right after this post in #community-voting✅ channel on discord (discord.gg/unidex for TG users)
2. Ordersize limits again will be completely revamped and replaced with a new open interest cap. We will push things live officially this Friday for reasons listed below but first lets dive into what does this mean for existing and new trades?
Well currently limits are account based which gradually increase the larger the TVL of the pool. Moving forward the Trade size limit is now uncapped, and now up until the max open interest available for each pair.
Each side of the trade for each pair has an equal open interest cap available. For example FTM-USD being not as liquid, will have an cap of 33% of the pool size. Lets say the pool is currently 100,000,000 FTM of TVL. This means 33,000.000 worth of FTM-USD longs and 33,000.000 worth of FTM-USD shorts can be opened using FTM. This may mean once we migrate, existing positions may not be able to add to their position as the global cap will be reached. All current adjustments have been made though so we will push things live officially this Friday so plan your trades accordingly.
This also means we can list more new assets however with a low percentage cap such as CRV or LINK without putting much risk to the pool.
3. New pairs / leverage options are coming. To start this part off, we want you guys to shout what you want to see most on the platform. The update above was crucial and key to having many more pairs be listed so share away what you want to see! Additionally, as we mentioned more forex pairs are going to pop up after some testing over the weekend. We wanna make these live on monday with some additional testing this week but these new pairs will be
Followed by Exotic pairs shortly after. Forex pairs will also have their maximum leverage increased to 500x and we can look at how we want to increase that after some initial performance testing.
Anyway thats the update for this week! Hope you traders play the upcoming CPI numbers well!
Hey everyone. small update from our post last week.Hey everyone! small update from our post last week.
1. The first batch of content that as spread last week will go up for voting right after this post in #community-voting✅ channel on discord (discord.gg/unidex for TG users)
2. Ordersize limits again will be completely revamped and replaced with a new open interest cap. We will push things live officially this Friday for reasons listed below but first lets dive into what does this mean for existing and new trades?
Well currently limits are account based which gradually increase the larger the TVL of the pool. Moving forward the Trade size limit is now uncapped, and now up until the max open interest available for each pair.
Each side of the trade for each pair has an equal open interest cap available. For example FTM-USD being not as liquid, will have an cap of 33% of the pool size. Lets say the pool is currently 100,000,000 FTM of TVL. This means 33,000.000 worth of FTM-USD longs and 33,000.000 worth of FTM-USD shorts can be opened using FTM. This may mean once we migrate, existing positions may not be able to add to their position as the global cap will be reached. All current adjustments have been made though so we will push things live officially this Friday so plan your trades accordingly.
This also means we can list more new assets however with a low percentage cap such as CRV or LINK without putting much risk to the pool.
3. New pairs / leverage options are coming. To start this part off, we want you guys to shout what you want to see most on the platform. The update above was crucial and key to having many more pairs be listed so share away what you want to see! Additionally, as we mentioned more forex pairs are going to pop up after some testing over the weekend. We wanna make these live on monday with some additional testing this week but these new pairs will be
Followed by Exotic pairs shortly after. Forex pairs will also have their maximum leverage increased to 500x and we can look at how we want to increase that after some initial performance testing.
Anyway thats the update for this week! Hope you traders play the upcoming CPI numbers well!
07 Sep 2022, 00:12
Hey everyone! We got a news update for everyone in the community.
To cut things short, ill drop a short summary here and the full link at the bottom.
1. Community content will be voted on here and users can find that in the #community-voting✅ channel on discord. ( thats discord.gg/unidex )
2. Metis LP promotion is live and nothing needs to be done for LPers. Simply provide and 100% of trading fees will be distributed to you. CEG is still pending as thats up to the Metis team entirely.
3. We want to run a similar promotion for Boba users but have a focus on traders and their PnL. Stay tuned for that as a vote is going live soon.
4. Limit orders are almost ready and we've highlighted how our limit orders are different from the rest. Initial audit testing still needs to be done which will be followed by a testnet release, and then finally the mainnet.
5. Ordersize limits will also go live but we want to inform the community again just how these will work compared to the current system.
6. Forex pairs will be increased to 500x leverage with a small adjustment on funding rates. This will also follow a number of other pairs being listed such as USD/JPY, EUR/GBP, and AUD/USD etc.
We do encourage you to read the full post however here 👉
let us know what you think!
Hey everyone. We got a news update for everyone in the community.Hey everyone! We got a news update for everyone in the community.
To cut things short, ill drop a short summary here and the full link at the bottom.
1. Community content will be voted on here and users can find that in the #community-voting✅ channel on discord. ( thats discord.gg/unidex )
2. Metis LP promotion is live and nothing needs to be done for LPers. Simply provide and 100% of trading fees will be distributed to you. CEG is still pending as thats up to the Metis team entirely.
3. We want to run a similar promotion for Boba users but have a focus on traders and their PnL. Stay tuned for that as a vote is going live soon.
4. Limit orders are almost ready and we've highlighted how our limit orders are different from the rest. Initial audit testing still needs to be done which will be followed by a testnet release, and then finally the mainnet.
5. Ordersize limits will also go live but we want to inform the community again just how these will work compared to the current system.
6. Forex pairs will be increased to 500x leverage with a small adjustment on funding rates. This will also follow a number of other pairs being listed such as USD/JPY, EUR/GBP, and AUD/USD etc.
We do encourage you to read the full post however here 👉 https://unidexfinance.medium.com/unidex-update-09-06-22-60b9e5957450
let us know what you think!
02 Sep 2022, 16:51
Hey everyone!
Got some exciting news to share. We’ve partnered with Tethys finance as part of our first move into the Metis ecosystem.
This gives you the ability to provide UNIDX-ETH LP and receive TETHYS rewards
You can then single stake that TETHYS for more UNIDX
Take advantage for the lending markets opened up for UNIDX holders and provide single sided liquidity of either ETH or UNIDX for those that want to also play Leverage LP positions.
If you like the things that are happening consider giving your support on our socials 👇
Hey everyone. Got some exciting news to share.Hey everyone!
Got some exciting news to share. We’ve partnered with Tethys finance as part of our first move into the Metis ecosystem.
This gives you the ability to provide UNIDX-ETH LP and receive TETHYS rewards
You can then single stake that TETHYS for more UNIDX
Take advantage for the lending markets opened up for UNIDX holders and provide single sided liquidity of either ETH or UNIDX for those that want to also play Leverage LP positions.
If you like the things that are happening consider giving your support on our socials 👇
01 Sep 2022, 19:40
Hey traders! hope the week is treating you well ❤️
Now that we've successfully deployed on Metis we want to start making some moves into the ecosystem.
The first thing we'll be doing is seeding some liquidity with our first partner tethys finance! This will allow traders on metis to gain exposure to the UNIDX token. But we've also collaborated to bring some LP farms and lending markets to the UNIDX token!
We also have some other things planned but there is also a dao proposal with hermes If this goes through, we would also be doing bribes and other protocol activity to build liquidity here.
Just a small intro to our first steps for the UNIDX token on metis. The we've talked with some market makers to seed liquidity on the metis side + pending metis CVP approval both of which will help boost liquidity for the leverage trading protocol.
But we believe we can increase activity through community efforts better by a new proposal. We started a vote which ends Sep 4th to run a 2 week program to direct 100% of trading fees on the metis side, to LPs on the protocol. This should allow some short term exposure on the metis side to jump start things.
View that here 👉
Thats all for now!
Hey traders. hope the week is treating you well.Hey traders! hope the week is treating you well ❤️
Now that we've successfully deployed on Metis we want to start making some moves into the ecosystem.
The first thing we'll be doing is seeding some liquidity with our first partner tethys finance! This will allow traders on metis to gain exposure to the UNIDX token. But we've also collaborated to bring some LP farms and lending markets to the UNIDX token!
We also have some other things planned but there is also a dao proposal with hermes https://commonwealth.im/hermes-omnichain/discussion/6828-hip3-whitelist-unidx-token-from-unidex. If this goes through, we would also be doing bribes and other protocol activity to build liquidity here.
Just a small intro to our first steps for the UNIDX token on metis. The we've talked with some market makers to seed liquidity on the metis side + pending metis CVP approval both of which will help boost liquidity for the leverage trading protocol.
But we believe we can increase activity through community efforts better by a new proposal. We started a vote which ends Sep 4th to run a 2 week program to direct 100% of trading fees on the metis side, to LPs on the protocol. This should allow some short term exposure on the metis side to jump start things.
View that here 👉 https://snapshot.org/#/unidexapp.eth/proposal/0x64e5d43c021cc3d2c4d5808a25df5d764887bb1bcef96646777353ea564f5542
Thats all for now!
29 Aug 2022, 14:12
We're going to push an update to allow for people on metis to start pooling & trading pretty soon!
To start we're going to throttle utilization over the first few days before we set this factor back to ~ 1:1 just so liquidity can build up faster but still allow trades to be places without weird size limits.
We're going to provide 2 links for users once everything is up and ready with 1 stable build dedicated just for metis like in the past ( metis.unidex.exchange similar to the boba subdomain and fantom ), but the leverage.unidex.exchange will let you access all chains. Again we'll push another announcement once its up today and ill also be live streaming the deployment today at 18 UTC!
We also wanted to give a small sneak peak on how we redesigned our pool page with more information and more informative details on pool performance. We decided to go with an approach that will let you monitor your portfolio easily between all chains and see how performance has been at a glance, then select a pool for more dedicated info just like familiar analytics pages like uniswap info pages or yearn.
Let us know what you think!
We're going to push an update to allow for people on metis to start pooling & trading pretty soon.We're going to push an update to allow for people on metis to start pooling & trading pretty soon!
To start we're going to throttle utilization over the first few days before we set this factor back to ~ 1:1 just so liquidity can build up faster but still allow trades to be places without weird size limits.
We're going to provide 2 links for users once everything is up and ready with 1 stable build dedicated just for metis like in the past ( metis.unidex.exchange similar to the boba subdomain and fantom ), but the leverage.unidex.exchange will let you access all chains. Again we'll push another announcement once its up today and ill also be live streaming the deployment today at 18 UTC!
We also wanted to give a small sneak peak on how we redesigned our pool page with more information and more informative details on pool performance. We decided to go with an approach that will let you monitor your portfolio easily between all chains and see how performance has been at a glance, then select a pool for more dedicated info just like familiar analytics pages like uniswap info pages or yearn.
Let us know what you think!
26 Aug 2022, 12:00
There is a few things we're covering this week but lets summarize this weeks events
1. To start off the $unidx token should be bridgeable to metis via multichain (https://app.multichain.org/#/router)
however currently there is no incentives for providing LP on metis nor do we have an official partnered DEX. We do have things planned for partner farms with some well known protocols on Metis though
2. Things are 100% finished with the Metis leverage deployment and an audit of the protocol which you'll be able to view on our docs shortly. I'll actually go live on twitch streaming myself using the platform on metis demoing trades + any questions the community has for about an hour at 18:00 UTC. We're going to go live with this this upcoming Monday where users will be able to pool METIS or WETH with a cross chain deployment allowing for USDC to be accessed later down the road.
3. To talk about pooling the fantom side is down by around ~8.9% from trader PnL so we're looking at ways to encourage pooling + healthy deposits. Currently one plan we're looking at is incentivizing the pool with 80% fees ( coming from the entire team share of the USDC vault ) for the mid term to get that return back up quickly. The pool has been at a ~60% loss before and has recovered entirely in about 45 days so we believe this should reduce the time to much less + encourage some to stay around. Much more on this later with a medium article outlining incentivizes.
4. Also on the topic of pooling we wanted to encourage some activity once more on the Boba side. We believe a short term course of action would be to direction 100% of the team fees for the upcoming month a trading incentive (just for boba). More details will be laid out before the end of the week.
5. KyberSwap's elastic pools allow fantom users to provide singlesided ranged liquidity ( or just general range orders similar to univ3 ) for protentional fantom LPs. While there isnt not any auto LP managers like with UNIv3, users can still take part in active liquidity proving and the best part is, UniDex routes through kyberswaps elastic pools through 1inch & kyberswaps aggregator! which means anyone using providing LP in that range will likely have an order from UniDex be filled from those LPs. KyberSwap's range LPs are quite new so use at your own risk.
6. Starting Monday, we will start voting for the best community content made be it twitter threads, graphics, or anything else to help spread the word. These winners will receive a small bounty for their service and hopefully encourage others to take part.
TLDR: UNIDX bridgeable to Metis with partner DEX's coming soon, Metis leverage deployment up this monday with METIS & ETH staking, Stream this Friday ( repeating ) demoing the deployment, USDC pool fee increase with recent drawdown ( coming from team share ), New UNIDX pool opportunities on fantom with kyberswap, and incentivizing community content repeating weekly.
Links mentioned
UNIDX ETH -> METIS token bridge:
Create ranged liquidity on Fantom with Kyberswap:
There is a few things we're covering this week but lets summarize this weeks events.There is a few things we're covering this week but lets summarize this weeks events
1. To start off the $unidx token should be bridgeable to metis via multichain (https://app.multichain.org/#/router)
however currently there is no incentives for providing LP on metis nor do we have an official partnered DEX. We do have things planned for partner farms with some well known protocols on Metis though
2. Things are 100% finished with the Metis leverage deployment and an audit of the protocol which you'll be able to view on our docs shortly. I'll actually go live on twitch streaming myself using the platform on metis demoing trades + any questions the community has for about an hour at 18:00 UTC. We're going to go live with this this upcoming Monday where users will be able to pool METIS or WETH with a cross chain deployment allowing for USDC to be accessed later down the road.
3. To talk about pooling the fantom side is down by around ~8.9% from trader PnL so we're looking at ways to encourage pooling + healthy deposits. Currently one plan we're looking at is incentivizing the pool with 80% fees ( coming from the entire team share of the USDC vault ) for the mid term to get that return back up quickly. The pool has been at a ~60% loss before and has recovered entirely in about 45 days so we believe this should reduce the time to much less + encourage some to stay around. Much more on this later with a medium article outlining incentivizes.
4. Also on the topic of pooling we wanted to encourage some activity once more on the Boba side. We believe a short term course of action would be to direction 100% of the team fees for the upcoming month a trading incentive (just for boba). More details will be laid out before the end of the week.
5. KyberSwap's elastic pools allow fantom users to provide singlesided ranged liquidity ( or just general range orders similar to univ3 ) for protentional fantom LPs. While there isnt not any auto LP managers like with UNIv3, users can still take part in active liquidity proving and the best part is, UniDex routes through kyberswaps elastic pools through 1inch & kyberswaps aggregator! which means anyone using providing LP in that range will likely have an order from UniDex be filled from those LPs. KyberSwap's range LPs are quite new so use at your own risk.
6. Starting Monday, we will start voting for the best community content made be it twitter threads, graphics, or anything else to help spread the word. These winners will receive a small bounty for their service and hopefully encourage others to take part.
TLDR: UNIDX bridgeable to Metis with partner DEX's coming soon, Metis leverage deployment up this monday with METIS & ETH staking, Stream this Friday ( repeating ) demoing the deployment, USDC pool fee increase with recent drawdown ( coming from team share ), New UNIDX pool opportunities on fantom with kyberswap, and incentivizing community content repeating weekly.
Links mentioned
UNIDX ETH -> METIS token bridge: https://app.multichain.org/#/router
Create ranged liquidity on Fantom with Kyberswap: https://kyberswap.com/elastic/add
03 Aug 2022, 18:59
Hey everyone! hope the weekend has treated everyone well
Its update time! this month we've made some major overhaul to the app and added a few systems in place. Ill write a short summary then post the full changelog under this post.
For new assets we've listed a few more options for traders from traditional markets but also crypto.
New assets include: Gold, Sliver, GBP/USD forex pair, the QQQ and SPY ETF, and BNBUSD
These new TradFi pairs have a lower interest of around 5.125% interest yearly while BNB retains the current 16% on crypto pairs.
We messed around with the layout and spacing between things which makes the chart a bit larger. We're also making it so you can freely adjust the height.
For users that used both Boba & Fantom for trading or pooling, the main link is now multichain. You click the network at the top right and change networks easily or just change the network in metamask.
Stats page and pool pages are going through a overhaul but as a starting point the stats page will load all history + show things in USD value relative to the date. Some stats may look off but something to note is we did release the dapp when fantom was around $1.3.
For a more in-depth changelog you can read below
New assets
- QQQ ( ETF tracking the nasdaq index )
- SPY ( ETF tracking the S&P500 )
- XAU ( gold )
- XAG ( sliver )
- Interest rates for new pairs reduced to ~5% yearly but will be dynamic in a future update
Ordercard improvements
- showing fee for the asset traded
- showing size in USD value
- better sizing on the card
Charting improvements
- able to edit any drawings you've made
- change settings for any applied indicators
- change visual order for indicators
Quality of life
- fixed issues related to using USDC positions showing a $ amount of converted FTM value
- Better wording improvements
- Larger trade history
- Stats now show USD value rather than raw native currency amount
- Font changed to be more visible
- positions should in theory fetch faster allowing you to cancel or interact with settled transactions faster
- Able to change networks by clicking the network icon
- spacing improvements on mobile
Dev updates for the future are focused on 4 things in the short term
- Limit orders for leverage
- Removing the size limit in favor of global limits for each pair on each side ( targeting this week )
- Stats page overhaul + pool page ( targeting next week )
- UI improvements for trading ( targeting next week )
Mid term targets include ( 2+ Months )
- Crosschain pooling
- Looking into deployments on ZkEVM / ZkSync
- Multi Token pooling
- First few market first pairs like OSRSgp/USD and custom indexs
Longer term ( 4+ Months )
- Supporting 0 slippage swaps cross chain between the pools ( for example DAI from FTM to USDC on optimism with no slippage ) This could double as an efficient bridge but also allow very competitive arbitrage strategies.
- More conditional orders such as trailing stoplosses
Hey everyone. hope the weekend has treated everyone well. Its update time.Hey everyone! hope the weekend has treated everyone well
Its update time! this month we've made some major overhaul to the app and added a few systems in place. Ill write a short summary then post the full changelog under this post.
For new assets we've listed a few more options for traders from traditional markets but also crypto.
New assets include: Gold, Sliver, GBP/USD forex pair, the QQQ and SPY ETF, and BNBUSD
These new TradFi pairs have a lower interest of around 5.125% interest yearly while BNB retains the current 16% on crypto pairs.
We messed around with the layout and spacing between things which makes the chart a bit larger. We're also making it so you can freely adjust the height.
For users that used both Boba & Fantom for trading or pooling, the main link https://leverage.unidex.exchange/ is now multichain. You click the network at the top right and change networks easily or just change the network in metamask.
Stats page and pool pages are going through a overhaul but as a starting point the stats page will load all history + show things in USD value relative to the date. Some stats may look off but something to note is we did release the dapp when fantom was around $1.3.
For a more in-depth changelog you can read below
New assets
- QQQ ( ETF tracking the nasdaq index )
- SPY ( ETF tracking the S&P500 )
- XAU ( gold )
- XAG ( sliver )
- Interest rates for new pairs reduced to ~5% yearly but will be dynamic in a future update
Ordercard improvements
- showing fee for the asset traded
- showing size in USD value
- better sizing on the card
Charting improvements
- able to edit any drawings you've made
- change settings for any applied indicators
- change visual order for indicators
Quality of life
- fixed issues related to using USDC positions showing a $ amount of converted FTM value
- Better wording improvements
- Larger trade history
- Stats now show USD value rather than raw native currency amount
- Font changed to be more visible
- positions should in theory fetch faster allowing you to cancel or interact with settled transactions faster
- Able to change networks by clicking the network icon
- spacing improvements on mobile
Dev updates for the future are focused on 4 things in the short term
- Limit orders for leverage
- Removing the size limit in favor of global limits for each pair on each side ( targeting this week )
- Stats page overhaul + pool page ( targeting next week )
- UI improvements for trading ( targeting next week )
Mid term targets include ( 2+ Months )
- Crosschain pooling
- Looking into deployments on ZkEVM / ZkSync
- Multi Token pooling
- First few market first pairs like OSRSgp/USD and custom indexs
Longer term ( 4+ Months )
- Supporting 0 slippage swaps cross chain between the pools ( for example DAI from FTM to USDC on optimism with no slippage ) This could double as an efficient bridge but also allow very competitive arbitrage strategies.
- More conditional orders such as trailing stoplosses
22 Jul 2022, 08:52
2 things to watch out for next week!
First off, has some slight updates which combine both terminals, stats page improvements, and some smaller things coming up.
This means that people can access any chain from a single URL link while also being able to view stats of any chain ( even if their wallet isnt connected for some small quality of life changes )
Secondly, We're lifting the size limit in favor of pair specific open interest limits. This will let you open trades of larger sizes from the get go however each side of each pair will have a limit globally. This can also let us list some more fun things and also some more speculative pairs if wanted.
Spreads have been live but currently they're capped at 0.01% on each side so we're seeing how this effects the trading experience so far.
We have some super interesting partnerships forming on the boba side plus some incentives for traders coming to boost the adoption ( some partners can also help with that soon! ).
Another note is that we're trying to separate as much dependence on thegraph as possible. The minimum amount of information that can be fetched directly on-chain will be shown so even if thegraph goes down, traders can still open and close with only some information not present such as date opened & interest paid.
Thats all for now! thanks for enjoying the platform so far and more stuff beyond that also shipping soon!
2 things to watch out for next week.2 things to watch out for next week!
First off, https://testnet.unidex.exchange/ has some slight updates which combine both terminals, stats page improvements, and some smaller things coming up.
This means that people can access any chain from a single URL link while also being able to view stats of any chain ( even if their wallet isnt connected for some small quality of life changes )
Secondly, We're lifting the size limit in favor of pair specific open interest limits. This will let you open trades of larger sizes from the get go however each side of each pair will have a limit globally. This can also let us list some more fun things and also some more speculative pairs if wanted.
Spreads have been live but currently they're capped at 0.01% on each side so we're seeing how this effects the trading experience so far.
We have some super interesting partnerships forming on the boba side plus some incentives for traders coming to boost the adoption ( some partners can also help with that soon! ).
Another note is that we're trying to separate as much dependence on thegraph as possible. The minimum amount of information that can be fetched directly on-chain will be shown so even if thegraph goes down, traders can still open and close with only some information not present such as date opened & interest paid.
Thats all for now! thanks for enjoying the platform so far and more stuff beyond that also shipping soon!
01 Jul 2022, 15:02
We're live with our twitter space here ➡️
We're live with our twitter space here.We're live with our twitter space here ➡️ https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1kvJpAeQdkOxE/
08 Jun 2022, 00:28
Alright everyone its time for our monthly wrap up article!
This month we have soo much to cover like new trading mechanisms, projects building on top of UniDex, UI updates, and fun things like grant programs.
The article itself is quite lengthy but we did provide some quick graphics to sum up some sections / new additions.
Read it here ➡️
IF you want the TLDR its...
UniDex P/S Ratio: 2.07x
UniDex P/E Ratio: 3.04x
- Structured products are coming through various protocols / teams
- New mechanics like dynamic spread, slippage, and funding rates
- Much more refined Pool UI nearly finished
- Grant programs and other means when teams build on top of UniDex
- New aggregators for spot trading like openocean, kyber, and firebird
- Landing page overhaul with new animations set to be finished next week
- Docs overhaul
Alright everyone its time for our monthly wrap up article.Alright everyone its time for our monthly wrap up article!
This month we have soo much to cover like new trading mechanisms, projects building on top of UniDex, UI updates, and fun things like grant programs.
The article itself is quite lengthy but we did provide some quick graphics to sum up some sections / new additions.
Read it here ➡️ https://unidexfinance.medium.com/unidex-may-monthly-wrap-up-fd7019b8051
IF you want the TLDR its...
UniDex P/S Ratio: 2.07x
UniDex P/E Ratio: 3.04x
- Structured products are coming through various protocols / teams
- New mechanics like dynamic spread, slippage, and funding rates
- Much more refined Pool UI nearly finished
- Grant programs and other means when teams build on top of UniDex
- New aggregators for spot trading like openocean, kyber, and firebird
- Landing page overhaul with new animations set to be finished next week
- Docs overhaul
31 May 2022, 06:45
Getting close the the monthly wrap up. We have soooo much to share on whats upcoming and what we and others have been building while working quietly. Ill be sharing a larger update later today so be on the lookout for that but a few things thats being covered is...
- Structed products being built
- Dynamic realtime funding rates, slippage, and spread update
- New Trading / Pooling incentives
- Leverage UI update
- New spot trading aggregator additions + new networks
- Grants program for projects building on top of UnIDex
Getting close the the monthly wrap up.Getting close the the monthly wrap up. We have soooo much to share on whats upcoming and what we and others have been building while working quietly. Ill be sharing a larger update later today so be on the lookout for that but a few things thats being covered is...
- Structed products being built
- Dynamic realtime funding rates, slippage, and spread update
- New Trading / Pooling incentives
- Leverage UI update
- New spot trading aggregator additions + new networks
- Grants program for projects building on top of UnIDex
17 May 2022, 12:56
Tweet from UniDex Exchange (@UniDexFinance):
🎉 Our leverage deployment for Boba is live! 🎉
Poolers get @bobanetwork's WAGMIv3 incentive rewards while staying in the pool for extra APR 🧑🌾
Trading will start at 17:00 UTC but users can start pooling now with this link 👇
#UniDex #Bobanetwork $UNIDX
Tweet from UniDex Exchange (@UniDexFinance):. Our leverage deployment for Boba is live.Tweet from UniDex Exchange (@UniDexFinance):
🎉 Our leverage deployment for Boba is live! 🎉
Poolers get @bobanetwork's WAGMIv3 incentive rewards while staying in the pool for extra APR 🧑🌾
Trading will start at 17:00 UTC but users can start pooling now with this link 👇
#UniDex #Bobanetwork $UNIDX
16 May 2022, 15:50
Alright another update time! 2 things to share today.
first is our boba launch for leverage trading highlighting the network incentives we were given month to month which you can read about here
Then another update for trading introducing dynamic spread. We've also talked about dynamic funding rates but dynamic spread should also help in onesided markets that can be specific to each pair.
This spread will automatically adjust every 8 hours based on how imbalanced the long to short ratio is for a pair. This can also be lower than the current value if its an even split to promote trading in balanced markets. Note this change only really effects markets where predictability becomes to easy for traders such as the Luna short.
Other protocols typically already have the damage done before such changes can happen but this lets things adjust automatically. We're expecting this to go live in about 1-2 weeks which should be on the testnet pretty soon today.
Alright another update time. 2 things to share today.Alright another update time! 2 things to share today.
first is our boba launch for leverage trading highlighting the network incentives we were given month to month which you can read about here
Then another update for trading introducing dynamic spread. We've also talked about dynamic funding rates but dynamic spread should also help in onesided markets that can be specific to each pair.
This spread will automatically adjust every 8 hours based on how imbalanced the long to short ratio is for a pair. This can also be lower than the current value if its an even split to promote trading in balanced markets. Note this change only really effects markets where predictability becomes to easy for traders such as the Luna short.
Other protocols typically already have the damage done before such changes can happen but this lets things adjust automatically. We're expecting this to go live in about 1-2 weeks which should be on the testnet pretty soon today.
14 May 2022, 07:49
Our proposal to allocate more leverage protocol revenue to poolers is live.
This outlines a change to change the split from 25/75 to 60/40 in order to once again allow more volume and TVL to grow on the platform.
Vote here ->
Our proposal to allocate more leverage protocol revenue to poolers is live.Our proposal to allocate more leverage protocol revenue to poolers is live.
This outlines a change to change the split from 25/75 to 60/40 in order to once again allow more volume and TVL to grow on the platform.
Vote here -> https://snapshot.org/#/unidexapp.eth/proposal/0xc0f7f09983984d2a4e74b751751d2dbb8e17fac1e589538b96e09917f6478338
09 May 2022, 19:06
Doublespeak a user of our discord community made a wonderful 30 tweet thread covering UniDex!
Make sure to give it a like and rt for all the amazing detail!
Doublespeak a user of our discord community made a wonderful 30 tweet thread covering UniDex.Doublespeak a user of our discord community made a wonderful 30 tweet thread covering UniDex!
Make sure to give it a like and rt for all the amazing detail!
04 May 2022, 20:08
2 Important updates are going live pretty soon this week which include better gas logic that will ensure settlements in 2-3 mins at maximum & the larger update we referenced in our last 2 weekly round ups of price impact.
This is a natural spread that will exist to keep a pool edge this value is dynamic between market pairs and liquidity but never random and rather a fixed product formula unlike those scammy forex brokers. This also puts us in line with market making comparative to other protocols and should allow for better liquidity-to-trade ratios thats fair for the protocol.
2 Important updates are going live pretty soon this week which include better gas logic that will ensure settlements in 2-3 mins2 Important updates are going live pretty soon this week which include better gas logic that will ensure settlements in 2-3 mins at maximum & the larger update we referenced in our last 2 weekly round ups of price impact.
This is a natural spread that will exist to keep a pool edge this value is dynamic between market pairs and liquidity but never random and rather a fixed product formula unlike those scammy forex brokers. This also puts us in line with market making comparative to other protocols and should allow for better liquidity-to-trade ratios thats fair for the protocol.
30 Apr 2022, 05:34
Alot to cover but kept it short and simple
Heres our monthly update post and some short roadmap stuff to look forward to ➡️
Volume: 85,781,146 FTM & 31,321,393 USDC
Highest Volume Date: Fri Apr 08 2022
Biggest Net Trader Day Loss: 36,832 FTM
Biggest Net Trader Day Gain: 100,068 USDC
Biggest Trade Count: 405
Day to Day New Users: +3.2%
Monthly Active Traders: 511
UniDex P/S Ratio: 2.526x
UniDex P/E Ratio: 5.268x
New Assets
Deployment on Boba and EVMOS ( Boba already bridgeable and farming rewards are coming! + big chain incentives )
New pools and how they could work
Alot to cover but kept it short and simple. Heres our monthly update post and some short roadmap stuff to look forward to.Alot to cover but kept it short and simple
Heres our monthly update post and some short roadmap stuff to look forward to ➡️ https://unidexfinance.medium.com/monthly-leverage-wrap-up-ce4ed5fe2cbb
Volume: 85,781,146 FTM & 31,321,393 USDC
Highest Volume Date: Fri Apr 08 2022
Biggest Net Trader Day Loss: 36,832 FTM
Biggest Net Trader Day Gain: 100,068 USDC
Biggest Trade Count: 405
Day to Day New Users: +3.2%
Monthly Active Traders: 511
UniDex P/S Ratio: 2.526x
UniDex P/E Ratio: 5.268x
New Assets
Deployment on Boba and EVMOS ( Boba already bridgeable and farming rewards are coming! + big chain incentives )
New pools and how they could work
19 Apr 2022, 17:17
Our Fantom foundation spotlight is up!
send some energy to the post and support the cause where you can! ❤️
Our Fantom foundation spotlight is up. send some energy to the post and support the cause where you can.Our Fantom foundation spotlight is up!
send some energy to the post and support the cause where you can! ❤️
16 Apr 2022, 10:28
Alright guys update time!
So this will be shorter version of a larger update post but we'll fill you guys in what we want our next steps to be now that we wrapped alot of stuff up.
1. Stuck or skipped transactions have largely been eliminated. There was 1 small hiccup earlier today but so far we're able to handle 50x the load than before. Trust us that if your order is settling just give it 1-2 mins max and it will be picked up and priced 5-10 seconds after your transaction confirmed. Dont spam that force close button!
2. We enabled a more feature packed tradingview charting service and we'll still be doing some updates to that shortly. We would like to clarify that this chart is purely just a reference and isnt the execution price of your trade. Your trades are settled against the DON which references chainlink pricefeeds however OHLC values arent really extractable from that. So this chart is defaulting to Binance as a reference. But you should be able to view live charting data for any asset now AND throw some TA tools on there.
3. We'll be adding LUNA, APE. SUSHI, LINK, CRV and a few others to the mainnet shortly including XAU, XAG, and a few other commodities over the weekend too.
4. We want to compensate LPs more for trader net PnL days so we're going to experiment with a few ways to do that. For one that ( not so much compensation ) is that we're adding a small base spread which scales with order size while also increasing the ordersize cap. Both these numbers will decrease with increasing liquidity while also decreasing the withdraw time & fee that comes with pools. Trading fees sent to LPs through an increase of trading pair fees are also being looked at which is a popular and reliable safeguard other protocols have.
5. We're also making moves for our first trading competition! This one will be co-sponsored and we're aiming for a total of 50k in prizes split between to top 5 traders. Will be revealing some more details on that shortly.
Still a bit more but just wanted to give a weekend roundup before the weekday ends. Happy easter and good luck trading!
Alright guys update time.Alright guys update time!
So this will be shorter version of a larger update post but we'll fill you guys in what we want our next steps to be now that we wrapped alot of stuff up.
1. Stuck or skipped transactions have largely been eliminated. There was 1 small hiccup earlier today but so far we're able to handle 50x the load than before. Trust us that if your order is settling just give it 1-2 mins max and it will be picked up and priced 5-10 seconds after your transaction confirmed. Dont spam that force close button!
2. We enabled a more feature packed tradingview charting service and we'll still be doing some updates to that shortly. We would like to clarify that this chart is purely just a reference and isnt the execution price of your trade. Your trades are settled against the DON which references chainlink pricefeeds however OHLC values arent really extractable from that. So this chart is defaulting to Binance as a reference. But you should be able to view live charting data for any asset now AND throw some TA tools on there.
3. We'll be adding LUNA, APE. SUSHI, LINK, CRV and a few others to the mainnet shortly including XAU, XAG, and a few other commodities over the weekend too.
4. We want to compensate LPs more for trader net PnL days so we're going to experiment with a few ways to do that. For one that ( not so much compensation ) is that we're adding a small base spread which scales with order size while also increasing the ordersize cap. Both these numbers will decrease with increasing liquidity while also decreasing the withdraw time & fee that comes with pools. Trading fees sent to LPs through an increase of trading pair fees are also being looked at which is a popular and reliable safeguard other protocols have.
5. We're also making moves for our first trading competition! This one will be co-sponsored and we're aiming for a total of 50k in prizes split between to top 5 traders. Will be revealing some more details on that shortly.
Still a bit more but just wanted to give a weekend roundup before the weekday ends. Happy easter and good luck trading!
07 Apr 2022, 10:54
alright everyone! updates time with 1 week from our launch closing in soon.
First the good stuff ( spoiler only good stuff here )
1. We added an "cancel settling order" menu that you can self serve yourself if an order gets stuck. Dont spam this! just wait a minute or 2 and usually orders can get processed. But this will let you self serve some cancelations for opens or closes.
2. Adding more assets! testnet first then moving to mainnet while current testnet assets are moving to the mainnet. Looking at metis, harmony, bnb, dot, and link.
3. Charting tools are being added as we speak so those will update in real time + TA tools ( full tradingview ) + all assets supported. Hoping by friday but sorry if we dont get it by then forgive us.
4. IMPORTANT we have drastically improved order execution on the testnet. our current setup lets us do around 2-3 transactions every second but our new setup can handle around 25 and you shouldn't be seeing any settlement issues anymore. ( and theres the self serve if it does happen! ). We aim to push this live on friday and you should instantly notice improvements.
5. We're looking more into size limits, % gain caps, slippage on high size trades, adjusting fees and more over the next week to see how can we better the relationship between the trader and the market maker ( LPs ). This isnt saying that all of these will happen just going on the whiteboard to see how these play out in the long run to make everyone happy.
That's all folks! Ill have another content article published for a 1 week wrap-up analysis covering numbers, plans, and more for the next few weeks coming out tomorrow.
Until then lets keep the ball rolling !
alright everyone. updates time with 1 week from our launch closing in soon.alright everyone! updates time with 1 week from our launch closing in soon.
First the good stuff ( spoiler only good stuff here )
1. We added an "cancel settling order" menu that you can self serve yourself if an order gets stuck. Dont spam this! just wait a minute or 2 and usually orders can get processed. But this will let you self serve some cancelations for opens or closes.
2. Adding more assets! testnet first then moving to mainnet while current testnet assets are moving to the mainnet. Looking at metis, harmony, bnb, dot, and link.
3. Charting tools are being added as we speak so those will update in real time + TA tools ( full tradingview ) + all assets supported. Hoping by friday but sorry if we dont get it by then forgive us.
4. IMPORTANT we have drastically improved order execution on the testnet. our current setup lets us do around 2-3 transactions every second but our new setup can handle around 25 and you shouldn't be seeing any settlement issues anymore. ( and theres the self serve if it does happen! ). We aim to push this live on friday and you should instantly notice improvements.
5. We're looking more into size limits, % gain caps, slippage on high size trades, adjusting fees and more over the next week to see how can we better the relationship between the trader and the market maker ( LPs ). This isnt saying that all of these will happen just going on the whiteboard to see how these play out in the long run to make everyone happy.
That's all folks! Ill have another content article published for a 1 week wrap-up analysis covering numbers, plans, and more for the next few weeks coming out tomorrow.
Until then lets keep the ball rolling !
03 Apr 2022, 08:38
Alright just a quick update of the last few days ( gonna be long! )
First off you guys are crazy! $17,000,000 of volume in ~50 hours and I want to say on behalf the team. We're happy that everyone is loving the product so far. We're making sure to push updates as fast as we can to make sure everyone is having the best experience.
1. With that said our distribution of collected fees took place with the transactions found here
it was a total of $6260 USDC which should be airdropped to all holders so check your wallet on fantom ( includes ETH holders )
2. We've wrapped up alot of the short term UI updates including a better leverage slider, better context on trades, more volume stats at the top, and pricing information.
Things are working alot faster now and so we'll be adding the original list of pairs with a vote on the next few pairs through twitter / here.
We need to have some faster nodes cause speed is a top priority for the relayers to pick up the transactions for settlement so thats what ill be working on tomorrow while others on the teamwork on the backend for better market making including building twaps for fantom native coins.
3. Since things are alot more reliable now we're gonna start pushing it alot more so we can really appreciate the community helping out tomorrow once we start pushing more on twitter.
heres one tweet for example that has gained alot of attention
^ FantomFdn retweeted
Alright just a quick update of the last few days ( gonna be long. First off you guys are crazy.Alright just a quick update of the last few days ( gonna be long! )
First off you guys are crazy! $17,000,000 of volume in ~50 hours and I want to say on behalf the team. We're happy that everyone is loving the product so far. We're making sure to push updates as fast as we can to make sure everyone is having the best experience.
1. With that said our distribution of collected fees took place with the transactions found here
it was a total of $6260 USDC which should be airdropped to all holders so check your wallet on fantom ( includes ETH holders )
2. We've wrapped up alot of the short term UI updates including a better leverage slider, better context on trades, more volume stats at the top, and pricing information.
Things are working alot faster now and so we'll be adding the original list of pairs with a vote on the next few pairs through twitter / here.
We need to have some faster nodes cause speed is a top priority for the relayers to pick up the transactions for settlement so thats what ill be working on tomorrow while others on the teamwork on the backend for better market making including building twaps for fantom native coins.
3. Since things are alot more reliable now we're gonna start pushing it alot more so we can really appreciate the community helping out tomorrow once we start pushing more on twitter.
heres one tweet for example that has gained alot of attention
^ FantomFdn retweeted
19 Mar 2022, 21:09
Hey Everyone the stream is Live now Check it out here
Hey Everyone the stream is Live now Check it out here.Hey Everyone the stream is Live now Check it out here
17 Mar 2022, 23:37
Send some love over to this tweet ❤️
We got a livestream / AMA session with FTMAlerts
TIME/DATE ➡️ March 29th @ 4:15PM UTC
Send some love over to this tweet. We got a livestream / AMA session with FTMAlerts. TIME/DATE March 29th @ 4:15PM UTC.Send some love over to this tweet ❤️
We got a livestream / AMA session with FTMAlerts
TIME/DATE ➡️ March 29th @ 4:15PM UTC
12 Mar 2022, 05:13
Time for a war room post. Lets boost the engagement on some of these key tweets about UniDex!
This highlights our integration with the recently launched Excalibur exchange. They also have a terra retweet given their UST integration ( which btw is now tradable on unidex thanks to us aggregating them! )
Our upcoming community call / podcast with onering finance in about 8 hours. This will be our first call with a guest so send some love ❤️
A reply to arthur_0x that gained lots of attention in the past few days
Austin from FTMAlerts slipping some alpha
These likes and similar social media engagement help get more eyes on our account so we appreciate the help. Anyway back to building!
Time for a war room post. Lets boost the engagement on some of these key tweets about UniDex.Time for a war room post. Lets boost the engagement on some of these key tweets about UniDex!
This highlights our integration with the recently launched Excalibur exchange. They also have a terra retweet given their UST integration ( which btw is now tradable on unidex thanks to us aggregating them! )
Our upcoming community call / podcast with onering finance in about 8 hours. This will be our first call with a guest so send some love ❤️
A reply to arthur_0x that gained lots of attention in the past few days
Austin from FTMAlerts slipping some alpha
These likes and similar social media engagement help get more eyes on our account so we appreciate the help. Anyway back to building!
09 Mar 2022, 20:04
sers vote for unidex gauge
sers vote for unidex gauge.https://snapshot.org/#/spiritswap.eth/proposal/0xc3d707d746dae8e5917bb3cd6dd9165376d1fe6d952aa0b22b06455aabd79851
sers vote for unidex gauge
05 Mar 2022, 21:56
Our community call starts in ~5 mins
Join link is through twitter and youtube
Our community call starts in ~5 mins. Join link is through twitter and youtube.Our community call starts in ~5 mins
Join link is through twitter and youtube