Alright guys update time.

16 Apr 2022, 10:28
Alright guys update time! So this will be shorter version of a larger update post but we'll fill you guys in what we want our next steps to be now that we wrapped alot of stuff up. 1. Stuck or skipped transactions have largely been eliminated. There was 1 small hiccup earlier today but so far we're able to handle 50x the load than before. Trust us that if your order is settling just give it 1-2 mins max and it will be picked up and priced 5-10 seconds after your transaction confirmed. Dont spam that force close button! 2. We enabled a more feature packed tradingview charting service and we'll still be doing some updates to that shortly. We would like to clarify that this chart is purely just a reference and isnt the execution price of your trade. Your trades are settled against the DON which references chainlink pricefeeds however OHLC values arent really extractable from that. So this chart is defaulting to Binance as a reference. But you should be able to view live charting data for any asset now AND throw some TA tools on there. 3. We'll be adding LUNA, APE. SUSHI, LINK, CRV and a few others to the mainnet shortly including XAU, XAG, and a few other commodities over the weekend too. 4. We want to compensate LPs more for trader net PnL days so we're going to experiment with a few ways to do that. For one that ( not so much compensation ) is that we're adding a small base spread which scales with order size while also increasing the ordersize cap. Both these numbers will decrease with increasing liquidity while also decreasing the withdraw time & fee that comes with pools. Trading fees sent to LPs through an increase of trading pair fees are also being looked at which is a popular and reliable safeguard other protocols have. 5. We're also making moves for our first trading competition! This one will be co-sponsored and we're aiming for a total of 50k in prizes split between to top 5 traders. Will be revealing some more details on that shortly. Still a bit more but just wanted to give a weekend roundup before the weekday ends. Happy easter and good luck trading!