Alright UniDex Traders. We're finally opening up the official trading chat for UniDex where you can join below.
08 Nov 2021, 03:41
Alright UniDex Traders! We're finally opening up the official trading chat for UniDex where you can join below ⬇️
This will now serve as the trading chat for UNIDX and trades on UniDex in general. We have big plans to incentivize trading, such as trading competitions, activity weeks, and setup awards. Our first action for the channel is to start weekly trading competitions with an ecosystem of a network, category, and projects. For example, we want to launch a Fantom ecosystem trading competition where the top traders ( in % PNL ) can win up to $5000.
Holders of UNIDX will be able to vote on the competition each month so the community can have a bit of a say in the activities. Looking forward to everyone joining the chat and participating in the activities! Lots of money to win!
For those on discord, we're also going to have a channel open where all the messages from telegram will be posted by a bot in the channel. That way, you can see what other users are playing at during the week and in telegram.