Hey everyone. small update from our post last week.

13 Sep 2022, 12:14
Hey everyone! small update from our post last week. 1. The first batch of content that as spread last week will go up for voting right after this post in #community-voting✅ channel on discord (discord.gg/unidex for TG users) 2. Ordersize limits again will be completely revamped and replaced with a new open interest cap. We will push things live officially this Friday for reasons listed below but first lets dive into what does this mean for existing and new trades? Well currently limits are account based which gradually increase the larger the TVL of the pool. Moving forward the Trade size limit is now uncapped, and now up until the max open interest available for each pair. Each side of the trade for each pair has an equal open interest cap available. For example FTM-USD being not as liquid, will have an cap of 33% of the pool size. Lets say the pool is currently 100,000,000 FTM of TVL. This means 33,000.000 worth of FTM-USD longs and 33,000.000 worth of FTM-USD shorts can be opened using FTM. This may mean once we migrate, existing positions may not be able to add to their position as the global cap will be reached. All current adjustments have been made though so we will push things live officially this Friday so plan your trades accordingly. This also means we can list more new assets however with a low percentage cap such as CRV or LINK without putting much risk to the pool. 3. New pairs / leverage options are coming. To start this part off, we want you guys to shout what you want to see most on the platform. The update above was crucial and key to having many more pairs be listed so share away what you want to see! Additionally, as we mentioned more forex pairs are going to pop up after some testing over the weekend. We wanna make these live on monday with some additional testing this week but these new pairs will be AUD/USD USD/CAD USD/JPY NZD/USD USD/CHF Followed by Exotic pairs shortly after. Forex pairs will also have their maximum leverage increased to 500x and we can look at how we want to increase that after some initial performance testing. Anyway thats the update for this week! Hope you traders play the upcoming CPI numbers well!