Hey guys. a few things we want to announce. -----------------------------------------------------------------.

12 Jan 2023, 17:40
Hey guys! a few things we want to announce ----------------------------------------------------------------- First lets update users on the trading comp! So far 0x17e07 takes the lead only needing the first place spot crowned for a few more days. We believe our next trading comp will be % PNL based and would require a fresh wallet + minimum balance to count as a participant. You can view how the day to day changes looked on our live leaderboards site (https://comp.unidex.exchange/#/fantom) or view a detailed break down on our sheets: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Next we did pick up someone to work full time in the area of content creation, market research, ad management, and social media outreach. ( tldr marketing ) We're ramping up our efforts and pushing our reach to new heights as we get closer to launching the top aggregation toolset in DeFi. As previously mentioned, we're going all out and you can expect a big public debut soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------- We're set on releasing our new swap aggregator UI this monday. Beta testers have given their feedback and bugs they've been seeing and we have them all wrapped up by now. Theres going to be 3 links but just stay with me. - This was the beta link that discord beta testers users were using. This will have your alpha as new updates get pushed here - On monday, this will change to be a stable version of the new UI. All stable version changes will get pushed here. - On monday, this will change to be the old UI you guys know and (some) love. It will always be available there in case you find any bugs on the newer release or just prefer it. Do note that it will no longer be receiving any updates unless something critical is found. But yes you can use supersecretunidexbetabuild.xyz right now if you want! We'll be doing an actual public release this monday and sharing with users then as more updates get pushed over the weekend. Youll 100% find bugs on the beta build and if you want to report them head over to discord to report them with a full report of how you reproduced it otherwise we will just ignore it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- We are attending ETHDenver again this year and we actually plan to have our own booth! For those unfamiliar, ETHDenver is just a eth related convention that takes place in Denver Colorado. Thousands of people come around every year to learn about new projects and everything the space has to offer. Its always super packed which made it hard to navigate last year with corona concerns but the turn out this year is already projected to be larger. Learn more on their site tho -> If you can come, then try to attend! You'll be able to meet some team members in person including some of the faces behind your other favorite protocols ( lots of free food and drinks too ) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Thats all for now! oh and stay optimistic 😉