Leverage. - Basic limit order support featuring stoplimits & oco orders. - Liquidation threshold moved from 80% to 90%.

09 Nov 2022, 19:52
Leverage - Basic limit order support featuring stoplimits & oco orders - Liquidation threshold moved from 80% to 90% - Liquidation fee paid to supply side moved from 20% to 30% - Interest accrued brings liquidation price closer - referral address support - liquidations come from a seperate keeper allowing the settlement queue to only settle opening and closing orders - monitoring for liquidatable orders happens in realtime rather than checking in intervals - removing the cancelation button unless the user has a pending order longer than 5 mins (fantom only or other slow networks) - Poolers can recieve rewards in multiple tokens allowing for partner integrations or external incentives - keeper scans the past "X" blocks for pending orders not yet settled and assigns a price for them. - Balancer-esque like leverage pools allowing for poolers to pool against certain assets and concentrate their exposure and derisk against certain trading pairs - In house decentralized oracle network that also prevents frontrunning but has no call backs Aggregation - Making a simple mode very similar to matcha.xyz should be live later this month - mobile focused UI entirely for simple mode - existing spot aggregator rebranded to PRO mode with a focus on derivates aggregation and crosschain swap meta-aggregation. - limit order v3 featuring CoW orders - overhaul of the existing meta-aggregation allowing for OTC orders - 0 slippage swaps from matching orders Cosmos App Chain - Cosmos app chain testnet launched - UniDex rebranded - EIp1559 like tx economy - Poolers become validators on the network - More details TBA