Time for an update post on Leverage trading.
12 Feb 2022, 01:08
Time for an update post on Leverage trading!
Ill post this post into 3 different parts addressing them about how we're moving forward. It may be a long read for some but its worth the gold inside.
What even is our product?
We've been experimenting with the system our traders will interact with although it would more actually be worded as "benchmarking" the protocol. During our UniDex Labs update we mentioned the upcoming release of not just any perps, but exotic trading pairs. We mentioned we'd create an article going into more details but withheld until because weren't solidified on the actual design ( specifically the trading pool ). We're pretty solid on what models we want to use for both product areas ( blue chip & exotic ) so we'll actually get that pushed out after some slight content revision.
In short, our leverage trading model works in 2 ways, 1 model follows vAMM's to price and exit traders with chainlink price feeds (no orderbook), and the other for exotic pairs like ETHGasFees/USD will be backed through a pool similar to gains.network/cap.finance.
Another UI?
This idea was presented by a community member and it actually did have us consider the pros and cons. On one hand we love that users can just easily click a single button and immediately start swapping however, its hard to expand the trading interface without bloating the experience on our main app.
We're set on the idea of making the vAMM model on our main app while the other model on a new UI. We want to brand the image of this secondary terminal with another name given its something first to the market while still offering the same goodies the other players have. Naturally this will take time (no later than Q1 as we mentioned previously) but now that decisions have been made we're pretty happy about making a promising campaign to gain public attention about what we're building.
The new surprise stuff
Yesterday, a user had mentioned in our chat "save us" when referring to our future partners over at Cap.finance... its a great case of how actual real organic growth can lead to a vibrant community and proper utilization of the protocol (1 billion in volume over 3 months). However, for one reason or another, the main devs are now gone on either personal or other reasons. We spoke with some of the community leaders and even had a message with the last verbal dev.
We're going to be picking up where the devs left off help where we can for protentional future volume when we integrate it to our main app, but also our own touch branded under UniDex Labs. Itll serve as the base for our secondary terminal while still driving volume from the original protocol on our main app.
TLDR: we wanted to be 100% certain of our production release model before talking more about it, and now that we are you'll finally be seeing alot more content about them being laid out. There will be 2 interfaces to trade on with one of them being primarily for exotic pairs ( but not restricted to ) revived and repurposed from our partner Cap.
Same news in other sources
112 Feb 2022, 01:09
Time for an update post on Leverage trading!
Ill post this post into 3 different parts addressing them about how we're moving forward. It may be a long read for some but its worth the gold inside.
What even is our product?
We've been experimenting with the system our traders will interact with although it would more actually be worded as "benchmarking" the protocol. During our UniDex Labs update we mentioned the upcoming release of not just any perps, but exotic trading pairs. We mentioned we'd create an article going into more details but withheld until because weren't solidified on the actual design ( specifically the trading pool ). We're pretty solid on what models we want to use for both product areas ( blue chip & exotic ) so we'll actually get that pushed out after some slight content revision.
In short, our leverage trading model works in 2 ways, 1 model follows vAMM's to price and exit traders with chainlink price feeds (no orderbook), and the other for exotic pairs like ETHGasFees/USD will be backed through a pool similar to gains.network & or cap.finance.
Another UI?
This idea was presented by a community member and it actually did have us consider the pros and cons. On one hand we love that users can just easily click a single button and immediately start swapping however, its hard to expand the trading interface without bloating the experience on our main app.
We're set on the idea of making the vAMM model on our main app while the other model on a new UI. We want to brand the image of this secondary terminal with another name given its something first to the market while still offering the same goodies the other players have. Naturally this will take time (no later than Q1 as we mentioned previously) but now that decisions have been made we're pretty happy about making a promising campaign to gain public attention about what we're building.
The new surprise stuff
Yesterday, a user had mentioned in our chat "save us" when referring to our future partners over at Cap.finance... its a great case of how actual real organic growth can lead to a vibrant community and proper utilization of the protocol (1 billion in volume over 3 months). However, for one reason or another, the main devs are now gone on either personal or other reasons. We spoke with some of the community leaders and even had a message with the last verbal dev.
We're going to be picking up where the devs left off help where we can for protentional future volume when we integrate it to our main app, but also our own touch branded under UniDex Labs. Itll serve as the base for our secondary terminal while still driving volume from the original protocol on our main app.
TLDR: we wanted to be 100% certain of our production release model before talking more about it, and now that we are you'll finally be seeing alot more content about them being laid out. There will be 2 interfaces to trade on with one of them being primarily for exotic pairs ( but not restricted to ) revived and repurposed from our partner Cap.
Time for an update post on Leverage trading.
Time for an update post on Leverage trading!
Ill post this post into 3 different parts addressing them about how we're moving forward. It may be a long read for some but its worth the gold inside.
What even is our product?
We've been experimenting with the system our traders will interact with although it would more actually be worded as "benchmarking" the protocol. During our UniDex Labs update we mentioned the upcoming release of not just any perps, but exotic trading pairs. We mentioned we'd create an article going into more details but withheld until because weren't solidified on the actual design ( specifically the trading pool ). We're pretty solid on what models we want to use for both product areas ( blue chip & exotic ) so we'll actually get that pushed out after some slight content revision.
In short, our leverage trading model works in 2 ways, 1 model follows vAMM's to price and exit traders with chainlink price feeds (no orderbook), and the other for exotic pairs like ETHGasFees/USD will be backed through a pool similar to gains.network & or cap.finance.
Another UI?
This idea was presented by a community member and it actually did have us consider the pros and cons. On one hand we love that users can just easily click a single button and immediately start swapping however, its hard to expand the trading interface without bloating the experience on our main app.
We're set on the idea of making the vAMM model on our main app while the other model on a new UI. We want to brand the image of this secondary terminal with another name given its something first to the market while still offering the same goodies the other players have. Naturally this will take time (no later than Q1 as we mentioned previously) but now that decisions have been made we're pretty happy about making a promising campaign to gain public attention about what we're building.
The new surprise stuff
Yesterday, a user had mentioned in our chat "save us" when referring to our future partners over at Cap.finance... its a great case of how actual real organic growth can lead to a vibrant community and proper utilization of the protocol (1 billion in volume over 3 months). However, for one reason or another, the main devs are now gone on either personal or other reasons. We spoke with some of the community leaders and even had a message with the last verbal dev.
We're going to be picking up where the devs left off help where we can for protentional future volume when we integrate it to our main app, but also our own touch branded under UniDex Labs. Itll serve as the base for our secondary terminal while still driving volume from the original protocol on our main app.
TLDR: we wanted to be 100% certain of our production release model before talking more about it, and now that we are you'll finally be seeing alot more content about them being laid out. There will be 2 interfaces to trade on with one of them being primarily for exotic pairs ( but not restricted to ) revived and repurposed from our partner Cap.