We have a couple things to announce for today and the following week.
30 May 2021, 16:42
We have a couple things to announce for today and the following week. All are some pretty major strides as for UniDex as a whole to establish ourselves and just 1 minor setback.
To start off we're announcing and teasing our first implementation of UniDex Forge - A partner program, and UniDex API which will allow other protocols to build upon UnIDex's superior aggregation while generating volume for UniDex.
You can read the full article here ( you really dont want to skip reading this one 😉)
on the minor setback for this week we're sorry to announce that we're going to delay the the inital alpha for our new frontend by a week for a couple reasons. To start out we've been pretty booked on time when it comes to integrations and planning that we believe the quality of the initial alpha would probably not suit the quality expectations we want to showcase as an alpha release. Also outside of that we migrated our nodes for chain data and its taking a bit longer to resync than we expected. We have to run full nodes for multiple chains which lets us process limit orders more effectively and pull charting data for multiple chains with other assorted info.
We're still going to announce all the things we did have planned for this week however! Some teasers include multiple chains and integrations included in aggregation and some older recognition from other protocols.
TLDR: We're setting the initial release out by 1 week for technical reasons and quality reasons. UniDex API and UniDex Forge release which expands the UniDex ecosystem greatly to generate much more volume and recognition.