We pushed a huge amount of updates and some more to come over the weekend. - switch between margin and size as input.
28 Jul 2023, 13:37
We pushed a huge amount of updates and some more to come over the weekend
- switch between margin and size as input
- history tab content more properly sized
- order card more slim and fixed size
- orders should fetch from external protocols much faster
- more accurate fee numbers when aggregating between multiple dexs
- partially close positions
- various QoL improvements
Over the weekend we're shipping
- new drop downs
- new pair selector allowing filters, search, market data, favorites etc
- more gmx based dexs to aggregate from
- instant charting load times and all timeframes supported
- whitelabel solutions go live
Next week starting Monday, we'll be doing huge arbitrum incentives. We're still at 22k in TVL and remember, the arbitrum incentives themselves is worth more than our current TVL.
If your a pooler on another network or dex, you may want to consider the opportunity on arbitrum! Over the next 2 months it'll be roughly 60k of incentives for poolers and traders.