Weekly round up. Here's the agenda for the next and follow week for UniDex. Recap for last week.
02 Nov 2021, 08:27
Weekly round up! Here's the agenda for the next and follow week for UniDex.
Recap for last week
- 0x Aggregator added for Fantom
- Added support for charting on all chains ( some chains are still syncing data from thegraph )
- FantomDC event
- Limit orders extended more networks ( Near network, Boba L2, and 2 others not yet named )
- Wallet Dashboard initial Beta
This week
- Live balance fetching
- Numerous bug fixes
- Initial UniDex trading channel launch ( Friday )
- More improvements to charting
Following Week
- Initial Perpetual protocol beta for users
- More information shown to users
- 1 New farm confirmed for release and added to yield optimizer
- BeethovenX support for limit orders ( on our UI )
- Network Icon lets you switch between networks while connected
- Live data for trade events
General Changes
- We're looking to hire a CMO ( marketing officer ) To handle media activity and community engagement
Consider this our push into marketing rather than our twitter reading like a developer blog.
- We're looking to start a hackathon. Details will be revealed in the near future but this may interest dev's or outside teams that what to build on our limit orders or have cool ideas to build on top of UniDex.