We're going to be starting some initial testing of the new limit order system for leverage trading.
23 Oct 2022, 13:33
We're going to be starting some initial testing of the new limit order system for leverage trading. We got alot done over the past few days and will share a bit more soon. You'll be able to access it on the goerli testnet once thats up.
The platform has also been deployed on OP and you'll see that reflected on the dev preview UI today, then the stable release url tomorrow.
As mentioned before we would be incentivizing some UNIv3 liquidity on OP from the leverage platform. Users will be able to deposit some LP tokens as another pool option thats only a reward pool. Of course UNIv3 doesnt have erc20 LP positions but rather NFTs. So, we'll be using a protocol which makes a position into an ERC20 token that auto compounds LP fees. This liquidity would also be ranged more biased to the lower bound allowing it to become closer to a single stake ETH position but still exposed to UNIDX. This pool is not exposed to any trader PnL risk and collects 5% of the fees made from the platform on OP.
Just a small update and hope the weekend is treating everyone well!